In addition to choosing furniture and appliances, it is also important to choose the right kitchen lighting so that you can feel comfortable while cooking and eating in the kitchen. It comes in many shapes, mostly depending on the style and size of your kitchen. We can advise you on how to adapt to various lighting in the kitchen, how to choose the right chandelier for your kitchen and more. Kitchen cabinet lighting as well as pantry.
Lighting for the Kitchen - What Should You Consider?
Gone are the days when poor-quality and often inappropriate kitchen lighting can be turned on with the flick of a switch. Today's kitchen lighting is creative, functional, and above all stylish, and often the right kitchen lighting can give and complete the right look for an entire room. But what kind of kitchen lights should you choose, and what issues should you consider before buying?

Kitchen Size
Before choosing kitchen lighting, you should consider the size and layout of your kitchen. Larger, more organized kitchens require more light, and you can choose different types of lighting fixtures for that. Choose lights from the same range in both rooms. In addition to central kitchen lighting, proper lighting of worktops, cooking and dining areas cannot be overlooked, choosing the best light intensity and color for each location.
Kitchen Style
The style of your kitchen also plays a big role in choosing the right lighting for your kitchen. Built-in ceiling spotlights are suitable for bright, modern, so-called pure style kitchens. A rustic wood kitchen is perfect for brass lighting, while a vintage kitchen needs a design accent throughout the room in the form of a historic chandelier.
The current standards prescribe a minimum clear height of the kitchen of 2.3 meters in the attic, 2.5 meters in single-family houses and 2.6 meters in multi-family houses. With lower ceilings, recessed lamps or lamps mounted directly to the ceiling are the optimal lighting option for the kitchen, but if your kitchen has a high ceiling of around 3 meters, pendant lights are the ideal solution.
Lighting options for the kitchen
Kitchen ceiling lights - LED panels or convenient LED strips have recently been used as central lighting in kitchens and can be placed almost anywhere as needed. You will especially appreciate these lighting systems if you have a smaller kitchen or your kitchen does not have a high ceiling. Spotlights, which intensively illuminate individual areas in the kitchen, are also suitable as a supplement to this type of lighting.
Kitchen chandeliers - usually serve as a central lighting fixture and should emit a pleasantly warm glow to illuminate the entire room. Dominant hanging chandeliers are only suitable for rooms with high ceilings. They are most commonly placed above the dining table or kitchen island where they require more intense light for food preparation and cooking.
Kitchen cabinet lighting - the ideal solution is to use LED strips and fluorescent lamps, which can be installed practically anywhere. It is recommended to be installed on the underside of kitchen cabinets for kitchen or sink lighting.
Central lighting for the kitchen
The current trend considers only one light for the kitchen to be outdated and clearly advocates the use of several lights in the form of spotlights or recessed lights. In a separate kitchen, the central kitchen lighting should be placed in the center of the room, in a kitchen that is connected to the living room, the main lighting is usually located in the area of the kitchen cabinets. Ease of installation is aided by plasterboard ceilings into which the lights can be easily integrated, giving the overall kitchen lighting an interesting and modern look.
If you are wondering what color to choose for your kitchen, we recommend a neutral white in the range of 3800K - 5200K, which corresponds to modern LED kitchen lighting. For rustic kitchens, it is better to use a light fixture with a lower Kelvin rating, as wood needs a slightly yellowish lighting.
Chandeliers for the kitchen not only above the dining table
A hanging lamp or chandelier for the kitchen is mostly used to illuminate the dining table or can be placed above the kitchen island. Whether you choose a more subtle chandelier for your kitchen or a hanging system with several dominant lights depends primarily on your space. The chandelier should also match the overall style of the kitchen and the shape of the dining table. In general, round or bell-shaped chandeliers are better suited to round or oval tables, while rectangular tables require square, rectangular, or rectilinear fixtures.
LED strips lead in the lighting of the kitchen cabinets
Adequate light is essential for comfortable and safe cooking, so don't underestimate cabinet lighting. Each square meter should be illuminated with a bright white light of 500 lux. In the past, fluorescent tubes were most commonly used for kitchen counter lighting, but the production of fluorescent tubes has been discontinued and are now being replaced by LED lights, particularly the popular and sought-after LED kitchen strips. Thanks to their flexibility and small size, they are perfect for mounting above the worktop or for lighting different kitchen cabinets or shelves.
However, the LED lighting of the kitchen counter does not have to be the only solution. In the field of LED kitchen lighting, for example, you can find various types of LED tubes that strikingly imitate the original fluorescent lamps, and you can also use the already mentioned spotlights for lighting under the kitchen cabinets. However, when installing, make sure they are evenly distributed and choose the right number for adequate lighting under the kitchen cabinets.
Intelligent lighting in the kitchen
Find out the benefits of intelligent lighting that you can also use in your kitchen. With the convenient control via a mobile phone app or via the home language assistant, you can adjust the intensity and color of the light according to your preferences and also control your lighting by remote control. For example, get to know the intelligent lighting of Philips Hue, which is presented in more detail in the following video.

Perfect coordination of the kitchen light
What other gadgets can you add to your kitchen lighting? Handy features include a remote control that lets you adjust the lights from anywhere in the room, or a dimming feature that lets you dim the intensity of the kitchen lights. You can then conjure up a unique atmosphere by adjusting the colors and the color intensity or the individual lighting depending on the mood. The touch control with modern tactile sensors, which replaces the classic switches, is timeless.