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Lumary Story

Lumary Story - Lumary

Lumary Story


In our opinion, light is an art, it is intelligent, controllable, and can be changed at any time; therefore, in 2017, we founded the intelligent lighting brand: Lumary. On the basis of strong R&D capabilities and rich production experience, we hope to build our brand with the help of Internet channels and deliver our best products to all parts of the world.

In the era of the popularization of smart products, our products are more than just providing lighting. It/them can make your room colorful and full of fantasy light art. You can control their color, color temperature and various modes through our Lumary APP or alexa and Gooale Assistant to complete a light show.

When you turn on the microphone in the APP, the light can dance with your voice/music, thus turning your room into a ballroom.

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